Friday, 26 July 2013

An "Onramp" To Success In Literacy

Last year, Parkvale School had two classes trialling one to computers. The device we chose was a netbook. This has been successful with parent demand leading to four classes this year.

Near the end of the year Chrissie Butler from Core Education visited and filmed three short videos which focussed on the impact our classrooms were having on literacy. For two videos, Chrissie weaved stories around two students, Teva and Tyler. The third was about the 1:1 programme making a difference for all learners. They turned out great. The videos appeared on the Ministry's Enabling eLearning site. It's wonderful to see Irongate School and Kimi Ora Community School now on the site. C'mon the Bay!

Here are the videos below. I have had a few requests to view them and I thought it would be good to have them on the B.Tict blog. For our school, they have been neat to look back on as we continue our learning journeys. Thanks, Chrissie!

Netbooks - an "onramp" to success in literacy

1:1 Netbooks - Allowing excellence in the classroom

A 1:1 netbook programme makes a difference for all learners

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

1-1 iPad Learning at Richmond

Friday 22 June 2013

Thanks so much to Kim, Paddy and Matt for hosting us - wonderful hospitality, and most impressed that we got fed! Always memorable in my book! A thought provoking and thoroughly hands on day! I certainly had plenty to take away and reflect on. 

I know that many of us have perhaps one or two devices per classroom, and it was great to discuss ideas about different ways to manage this. I took on Kim's advice and just let a couple of kids have devices to themselves for their morning's literacy time. The chosen children were, of course, thrilled, and I have now started to build Book Creator "experts" so that they can teach their peers.

A brief overview of the day:
  • Purpose of iPads
  • SAMR
  • Learning spaces
  • Literacy programme
  • Learning /using and applying apps – Book Creator, iMovie, Garageband, Toontastic, Puppet Pals, Explain Everything, Inspiration
Key messages:
  • Good learning goes hand in hand with good, quality teaching and formative practice.
  • iPads to enhance the learning for the kids.
  • Good pedagogy is the main drive behind integrating technology
  • What skills do we want the chn to get better at?

I have included a short SAMR presentation that you may like to share with your colleagues. Looking forward to sharing in Term 3!