Parkvale One to One Classrooms 2013 from mrmoriarty
Yesterday I attended Learning @ School, the Core Education roadshow. The slideshow above is a version of the presentation I spoke from during a breakout that Parkvale School hosted. We began with Mark Gifkins talking about our journey into trialling one to one classrooms. Then I took over, talking about what it has been like from a teacher's perspective.
Jody Garland and I were the teachers in our initial one to one classrooms in 2012. We set them up with the expertise and support of Sandy McFadyen. Our model has been largely adapted from Point England School, who we visited in 2011. Jody and I were also lucky to attend a breakout (on setting up one to one classrooms) that Helen King hosted at uLearn 2011. That was very helpful! The philosophy of Learn, Create, Share which Point England shared has guided me in my practice. I now preach it to anybody who will listen!
The Slideshare presentation lacks the videos (due to the free version formatting). Here are links to them if you are interested:
Yesterday I attended Learning @ School, the Core Education roadshow. The slideshow above is a version of the presentation I spoke from during a breakout that Parkvale School hosted. We began with Mark Gifkins talking about our journey into trialling one to one classrooms. Then I took over, talking about what it has been like from a teacher's perspective.
Jody Garland and I were the teachers in our initial one to one classrooms in 2012. We set them up with the expertise and support of Sandy McFadyen. Our model has been largely adapted from Point England School, who we visited in 2011. Jody and I were also lucky to attend a breakout (on setting up one to one classrooms) that Helen King hosted at uLearn 2011. That was very helpful! The philosophy of Learn, Create, Share which Point England shared has guided me in my practice. I now preach it to anybody who will listen!
The Slideshare presentation lacks the videos (due to the free version formatting). Here are links to them if you are interested:
- Kindness Boomerang (Point England)
- Welcome to Room 16
- Key Words from the Holidays (scroll down for video)
- Literacy Fun
Kieren Moriarty